Capital Campaign contributions will be received from January 1, 2024, through December 29, 2024. The asking is $500 a year ($42 monthly).
Sunday School and Mission Offerings: Persons are invited to contribute to our weekly Sunday School and Mission offerings. Persons may drop offering in the Sunday School offering plate or include with weekly offering. Please designate on the offering envelope for Sunday School and/or Mission.
Ways to Give:
Mail checks to Canaan United Methodist Church, 171 Highway 61, Ridgeville, South Carolina 29472
December 17, WEL Club meeting, we are having our Christmas luncheon, all are welcome.
December 17, 6pm UMM meeting
December 18, 10:45am-11:45am Bible Study @ Canaan and 6:30 pm Via Zoom
To join by phone, call 646-931-3860 Meeting ID:83463464438
December 18, join us for prayer line 12 noon and 6pm, the noon day prayer will led by Edye Washington, Sand Hill, and 6pm will be led by Rev. Roosevelt Geddis, Canaan. The prayer line number is (425) 436-6316 and the password is 884250#
December 21, 2024, 4pm Youth and Children Christmas Program